Operational Model - Pré-sal


Pré-sal Petróleo S.A. PPSA – Bem-vindo!

Operational Model


We are responsible for managing the Union’s oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons sales contracts, produced in production sharing areas and also in locations where Production Individualization Agreements (AIPs) are in force, in the Pre-Salt Polygon.

According to law, the commercialization of the Federal Government’s oil and natural gas can be carried out directly, preferably by auction.

We are currently commercializing oil production from the Mero Development Area (Libra contract), Entorno de Sapinhoá, Búzios, Tupi, Sépia, Atapu and Itapu. Also we are  commercializing natural gas production from Entorno de Sapinhoá, Tartaruga Verde Sudoeste, Búzios and Tupi.

Check here the Federal Government’s cargoes already sold.







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