Pré-Sal Petróleo launches Interactive Panel of Tenders and Contracts

The tool allows dynamic visualization of contracts since 2014

In yet another action to increase transparency in relation to the company’s activities, Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) is launching this Wednesday (21) the Panel of Tenders and Contracts. The Panel was created using a Business Intelligence (BI) tool and has been consolidating information since 2014. The platform makes it possible to dynamically view all contracts entered into by the company, both current and terminated.

So far, PPSA has already hired 464 people, with a total disbursement of R$ 184.6 million, around 26% below the budgeted amount. Of this total, R$ 122.2 million refer to contracts in force.

When navigating the panel, the reader can filter by contracting date, amount, object and tender mode. The Panel also has a cloud of words that facilitates the search by categories. When clicking on a certain word, the tool presents a table with all the details of the hiring carried out in that category, including access to the available documents.

The initiative is part of the company’s Strategic Planning, which provides for the implementation of communication actions to increase public transparency. The panel also responds to a demand from the PPSA Ombudsman, which seeks to facilitate access to contracts. The work was carried out in collaboration with the areas of Communication and Ombudsman, Tenders and Contracts and Information Technology.  This is the third BI panel created by the company. There is also a panel with data on production and collection of contracts under the production sharing regime and an interactive library with the oil and natural gas sector legislation.

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