Some news is desable because of the electoral period .
PPSA opens registrations for the first public competitive examination for higher education level
Registrations for the first public competitive examination of PPSA (Pré-sal Petróleo/SA) begin on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, and will continue until March 17, 2025. There are 100 positions available for Veja mais
Read MoreCumulative production under the sharing regime surpasses the mark of 1 billion barrels of oil since 2017
Cumulative production under the sharing regime since 2017, the beginning of the historical series, surpassed the mark of 1 billion barrels of oil in November. The Búzios field is responsible Veja mais
Read MorePPSA raises BRL 10.32 billion in 2024
PPSA (Pré-Sal Petróleo), a company linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, raised BRL 10.32 billion in 2024 with the sale of the Government's oil and natural gas shares Veja mais
Read More1st Public Competition PPSA
PPSA (Pré-sal Petróleo S/A) will hold, in the coming months, its first public competition with the aim of hiring 100 employees with higher education starting in 2025, in addition to Veja mais
Read MoreCNPE approves the inclusion of seven new pre-salt blocks in the Permanent Offer cycle for oil and gas production sharing
The National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) approved, on Tuesday (12/10), the inclusion of the Cerussita, Aragonita, Rhodochrosite, Malachite, Opal, Quartz, and Chalcedony blocks for bidding under the production sharing regime Veja mais
Read MorePPSA Technical Forum
The Technical Forum promoted by PPSA (Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A) brought together authorities, executives from leading oil companies, and industry experts to discuss the future of the pre-salt, the technological innovations Veja mais
Read MorePPSA could raise more than BRL 500 billion with the commercialization of the Government oil over the next ten years
PPSA could raise over BRL 500 billion with the commercialization of the Government's oil and gas shares in 19 production sharing agreements and in the production unitization agreements for Mero, Veja mais
Read MorePPSA will sell 78 million barrels of oil in a new auction in 2025
The company also plans to hold its 1st gas auction next year PPSA estimates the sale of 78 million barrels of oil from the Government on June 25 of Veja mais
Read MorePetrobras and PetroChina purchase oil cargoes from the Government related to the Sépia field
Petrobras and PetroChina were the winners of the spot sale process promoted by PPSA (Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A.) on Wednesday, 10/30, to commercialize five oil cargoes from the Government of the Veja mais
Read MoreThe Marechal Duque de Caxias FPSO begins production in the pre-salt
The Marechal Duque de Caxias FPSO began producing oil and gas on Wednesday, 10/30, in the Mero field, Libra block, in the pre-salt of the Santos Basin. The platform has Veja mais
Read MorePPSA’s first participation in ROG.e attracts hundreds of visitors to the booth and strengthens partnerships in the Energy, Oil, and Gas
PPSA (Pré-sal Petróleo S/A) was present at ROG.e 2024, the largest Oil and Gas fair in Latin America, and hosted hundreds of visitors at its booth, which featured a series Veja mais
Read MorePetrobras, Galp, and Acelen purchase Government’s oil cargoes from the Sépia, Atapu, and Itapu fields
Petrobras, Galp, and Acelen (Mataripe Refinery) were the winners of the spot sale process conducted by PPSA (Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A) on Wednesday, the 18th, to sell 3 oil cargoes from Veja mais
Read MorePPSA is considering marketing the Government’s natural gas through a competitive process in 2025
The Director of Administration, Finance, and Commercialization of PPSA (Pré-sal Petróleo S.A.), Samir Awad, announced this Tuesday (17) at the workshop “Natural Gas: Measures for a Competitive Market” that the Veja mais
Read MoreNew guidelines for the decarbonization of oil and gas production guide PPSA’s actions
On Tuesday (9/2), a decree from President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was published in the Official Federal Gazette, outlining the guidelines of the National Energy Transition Plan. The text Veja mais
Read MorePPSA signs the Pact for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with MGI and State-Owned Companies
Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) joined on Wednesday, February 4, the Pact for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Federal State-Owned Companies, signed between the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services Veja mais
Read MoreBrazilian Government sells oil cargo directly to refinery in Brazil
For the first time, a cargo of Government oil was sold directly to a refinery.This Wednesday (March 6), the Mataripe Refinery won the direct sales bid held by Pré-Sal Petróleo Veja mais
Read MorePPSA hires consultancy company to evaluate refining industry prioritization mechanisms in Government oil commercialization
Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) hired consultancy company Telemétrica Sensoriamento Remoto on February 29, to provide refining consultancy services. The hiring is in compliance with the provision of the National Energy Policy Veja mais
Read MoreDrill ship Marechal Duque de Caxias leaves China headed for Brazil
The drill ship Marechal Duque de Caxias left this Saturday, February 24, from Yantai, China, heading to the Mero field, operated by Petrobras, at the pre-salt layer of the Santos Veja mais
Read MoreOil cargo from União de Sépia is sold to CNOOC
CNOOC, a Chinese production company operating in the pre-salt layer, won the direct sale process carried out by Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) this Wednesday (21), to sell the Federal Government’s third Veja mais
Read MoreSharing regime reaches production of 1 million oil barrels per day
The average production of sharing contracts, in November, reached the milestone of 1 million barrels per day (bpd), a 6% increase compared to the previous month, due to the operational Veja mais
Read MorePPSA reaches 10 years of operation with over BRL 13 billion raised for the Brazilian Government
Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) reached ten years of operation last Sunday (November 12), reaching the milestone of over BRL 13 billion raised for the Brazilian Government. The state-owned company, linked to Veja mais
Read MoreP-71 reaches peak daily production of 150,000 barrels
Petrobras’ P-71 drill ship reached peak production of 150,000 barrels of oil per day, last Wednesday (November 8), at the Santos Basin pre-salt layer. The FPSO (floating production, storage and Veja mais
Read MoreFPSO Almirante Barroso reaches peak production in record time
Petrobras reported that drilling ship Almirante Barroso, which operates in the Búzios field, at the Santos Basin pre-salt layer, reached peak production of 150,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) Veja mais
Read MoreSharing regime exceeds milestone of 500 million oil barrels produced since 2017
The accumulated production under the sharing regime exceeds milestone of 500 million oil barrels. Production began in 2017 at the formerly called Mero Development Area. Today, seven contracts are in Veja mais
Read MoreProduction sharing contracts establish new record to kickstart 2023
Production was 845,000 barrels a day in January Production sharing contracts broke a new record in January 2023, producing an average of 845,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil. This volume Veja mais
Read MoreFPSO Guanabara, in the Mero field pre-salt layer, reaches 180,000 bpd max capacity
Petrobras informed that the Guanabara platform vessel, installed in the Mero field, in the Bacia de Santos pre-salt, reached its maximum production capacity, with the mark of 180 thousand barrels Veja mais
Read MorePPSA joins a task force to monitor oil prices in the global market
On Monday (04/15), the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, ordered the creation of a Working Group (GT) to monitor oil prices in light of the conflict in the Veja mais
Read MoreCommemorative stamp marks the 10th anniversary of the company
This year, Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) completes, in November, ten years of existence and is proud to have a history full of achievements, which deserves to be celebrated. Since its foundation, Veja mais
Read MorePPSA publishes Annual Letter and Management Report
Pre-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) published, on Friday (5th), the Annual Letter of Public Policies and Corporate Governance and the Annual Management Report, both for 2022. Later this month, the 2022 Integrated Report Veja mais
Read MorePPSA presents work at the Offshore Technology Conference
Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) was present at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), in Houston (USA), during the first week of May. Production monitoring and control coordinator Carlos Terêncio Bomfim Silva presented Veja mais
Read MoreFPSO Guanabara breaks pré-salt production record
Petrobras announced that FPSO Guanabara reached its record monthly production on a pre-salt platform: 179 thousand barrels per day. It is installed in the Mero oil field, in the Santos Veja mais
Read MoreManagement completes four years in April with accumulated collection of more than R$ 9 billion
Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) management is completing four years of operation this April. The period was marked by significant growth for the company. Production sharing contracts managed by PPSA increased from Veja mais
Read MoreCNPE requests that PPSA study the signing of contracts for refining oil of the Union
The measure was deliberated at the first meeting of the committee in 2023 and aims to evaluate mechanisms that prioritize the national supply of petroleum-derived fuels Pré-Sal Petróleo SA (PPSA) Veja mais
Read MoreOil production in oil-sharing regime was almost four times higher in 2022 than in the previous year
Federal government’s share totaled 9.8 million barrels Oil production in production sharing contracts in 2022 was almost four times higher than that recorded in the previous year. According to information Veja mais
Read MoreAverage daily oil production in production sharing contracts reaches 793 thousand barrels per day
Total average production in production sharing contracts continues to grow. In November 2022, it reached 793 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd), according to the Monthly Bulletin released by Veja mais
Read MoreFPSO Guanabara, in the Mero field pre-salt, reaches a maximum capacity of 180,000 bpd
Petrobras informed that the Guanabara platform vessel, installed in the Mero field, in the Bacia de Santos pre-salt, reached its maximum production capacity, with the mark of 180 thousand barrels Veja mais
Read MorePré-Sal Petróleo launches Interactive Panel of Tenders and Contracts
The tool allows dynamic visualization of contracts since 2014 In yet another action to increase transparency in relation to the company’s activities, Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) is launching this Wednesday (21) Veja mais
Read More1st Cycle of the Permanent Sharing Offer: collection is 72% of the maximum
The 1st Cycle of the Permanent Production Sharing Offer (OPP), carried out today (12/16) by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), had four blocks purchased, out Veja mais
Read MoreProduction sharing contracts will contribute around US$344 billion to public coffers by 2032
PPSA projects revenues of US$ 157 billion just from the sale of Union oil over the next ten years Production sharing contracts will contribute around US$344 billion to public coffers Veja mais
Read MorePPSA will present new estimates for pre-salt production at the Technical Forum to be held in November
Opening lecture of the event will be given by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Adolfo Sachsida The 5th Pre-Salt Oil Technical Forum, an event that traditionally brings together leaders from Veja mais
Read MoreGalp wins direct sale process for Atapu’s Union oil
Galp Energia Brasil was the winner of the direct sale process carried out by Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) this Tuesday, the 17th, to sell the Union’s first oil load, of 500,000 Veja mais
Read MorePPSA has record collection of R$ 4.71 billion in 2022
Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A (PPSA), a company linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), raised R$ 4.71 billion in 2022 with the sale of the Union’s share of oil Veja mais
Read MoreUnion is entitled, in May, to 26,000 barrels of oil per day
This month marks the beginning of the production sharing contracts for Sépia and Atapu and the start-up of the FPSO Guanabara, in Mero In May, the Union was entitled to Veja mais
Read MoreElectoral legislation: changes in communication
Due to restrictions imposed by electoral legislation and the jurisprudence of the Electoral Justice and in compliance with the instructions of the Special Secretariat for Social Communication (Secom), Pré-Sal Petróleo Veja mais
Read MoreIn April, production sharing regime reaches close to 500,000 barrels per day
Búzios leverages production, with 429 thousand barrels per day; União, in the period, was entitled to 18,800 barrels per day of production Oil production from contracts under the sharing regime Veja mais
Read MorePPSA publishes Integrated Report 2021
Pre-Salt Petróleo (PPSA) released, this Tuesday (31), its Integrated Report 2021, which provides transparent and concise information about the business model and the company's performance in the period. The Report Veja mais
Read MorePPSA publishes Annual Management Report 2021
Pre-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) published, this Friday (20), the Annual Management Report 2021, with consolidated information on the main results of the company. During the period, PPSA managed 17 production sharing Veja mais
Read MorePetrobras begins operation of the first definitive platform in the Mero field, in the pre-salt of the Santos Basin
On April 30, Petrobras started producing oil and natural gas through the FPSO Guanabara, the first definitive production system installed in the Mero field, in the pre-salt layer of the Veja mais
Read MoreMME holds a ceremony to sign contracts for the transfer of rights in the Sépia and Atapu fields, in the Pre-Salt
Auction yielded a total signature bonus of R$ 11.1 billion, of which R$ 7.7 billion was destined for states and municipalities. Total planned investments are around R$ 204 billion. The Veja mais
Read MoreIn February, União was entitled to 17,000 barrels of oil per day, says PPSA
Marca alcançada iguala o mês de janeiro, o maior índice da série histórica; Libra colaborou, no período, com 7,4 mil bpd para a União Veja mais
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